Other Features

Here's the menu guide information for all remaining uncategorised areas of the website ...

Subscribe to one or more of our newsletters and you will be taken to a page where you will enter your name and email details. Your email address will be stored securely and confidentially, strictly for the purpose of delivering your newsletter choices - it will not be divulged to third parties.

Here's where you'll find the Middlewich Song etc ...

If you're interested in who performed at and what happened in previous festivals, the Archives section is the place to head for. (I must remember to bring this section fully up-to-date)!

If and when Homepage articles are beyond their period of relevance, but they hold information or news that is worth keeping published, this is where you'll find it!

When we are surfing the Internet and find a great site, of some relevance to us, we list it here ...

In similar fashion to Web Links, Newsfeeds are snippets of News that are up-to-date, live entries, as opposed to static information ...

Although the Frequently Asked Questions section is rather sparse of information presently, it is presented to help you navigate this site and know more about the Festival! A work-in-progress ...

Hopefully self-explanatory, this Search utility is specifically geared towards this website itself, as opposed to the WebSearch utility appearing at the foot of most pages ...